The deadline to create an initial application has passed for the December 2023 Outreachy internship cohort. We are no longer accepting initial applications for internships. We encourage you to sign up for the announcements mailing list to get an email when the next round opens.
Why apply to Outreachy? > Start your initial application > December 2023 Outreachy internship cohort > Ersilia Open Source Initiative
Community details are hidden until you are approved to participate as a mentor or coordinator.
These projects are closed to new applicants because the mentors are already working with many applicants. Applicants who are already working with a mentor are encouraged to complete their contributions and submit an application for the project.
Improvement of the Ersilia Model Hub, a FOSS platform of AI/ML models for biomedical research
Project details are hidden.The details may be hidden because you are not logged in. See the message in the box at the top of the page.
Deadline was Oct. 30, 2023 at 4pm UTC to record your contributions and create a final application.
Deadline was Oct. 30, 2023 at 4pm UTC to record your contributions and create a final application.
Project details are hidden.The details may be hidden because you are not logged in. See the message in the box at the top of the page.